Grilled boneless pork sirloin chops

I was looking on pinterest to find a good marinade for some pork we found on sale at the store today.  I couldn't find anything I liked, so I made up my own. It was good, so I though I would record the recipe.
I threw the following into the blendtec: medium onion, medium nectarine, some vegetable oil, some salt and pepper, and a small can of mandarin oranges. I marinated the pork chops (they were very thinly sliced) for about an hour or so.  Once the grill was nice an hot I threw them on and grilled them so that they were just cooked. I don't like overcooked pork.  They were easy enough to cut with a fork.  I boiled the leftover marinade to use as a sauce.
I also sliced up some sweet potato and green apple and tossed with some brown sugar cinnamon.  I layered that in a glass pan and put a few dollops of smart balance on the top. I cooked this for half an hour at 400 degrees f. Super yummy!


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