Apple Pie Moonshine

 My neighbor brought some liquor to my house with this same name but it is made by a race car driver and sold at the liquor store. So, when my friend posted this on facebook, I thought that I needed to save! I have made other liquors before, and I know it's not hard, so I thought, why not?
This is the recipe. I haven't tried it, but will update you all when I do. How could it be bad, right!


1 gallon Spiced Apple Cider
1 gallon Apple Juice
1-½ cup Granulated Sugar
1-½ cup Light Brown Sugar
8 whole Cinnamon Sticks
1 bottle (750ml Size) 190-Proof Grain Alcohol (Everclear)

Combine all ingredients in a large stock pot, except for the alcohol, and bring to a boil.

Remove the mixture from heat and let cool to room temperature. Once the mixture is completely cool, add in the alcohol.

Transfer to sterile mason jars (I use 5 of the big 2000+ ml jars). I also divide up the cinnamon sticks so that each jar has 1 or 2.

The apple pie is ready for consumption! (Though it gets better if you let it mellow for a couple of weeks.) It can be served heated or chilled. Remember to drink this with caution! For the amount of alcohol in this, you really can’t taste how strong it is; it’s so smooth!

I recommend storing the jars in a dark, cool room.


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