My first post

Ok, so setting this up isn't so hard, but I have found that writing about myself isn't my favorite thing to do. If I were writing for myself, then it would be so much easier, but what is the point of a blog if it's not meant for others to read?

First, I'd like to start with a little bit about my yard. Being that it has been raining for 2 months now, it's very green. It looks better than it ever has. I have already fertilized it 2x this year and am feeling pretty proud of my handiwork. The "weed whacker" shat the bed the other day, so the edges of the lawn are getting pretty long. Perhaps I will buy another one here soon.

Speaking of things breaking, our coffee maker also stopped working. It just stopped sending the water through. Luckily it's under warranty & they are sending a new one to us.

Now about my kids. Mostly this will be about the older one. He is VERY into weapons. He LOVES Nerf guns and has been know to craft his own bow and arrows and other such weapons. He has recently learned to "modify" his Nerf guns to shoot further. Oh my, where is this heading?

The little one, he likes electricity. Yep, as in sticking things into the outlets. Hopefully he'll grow out of it soon.

Enjoy, Stacie



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